#9 – The Dwarf Council



The Dwarf Council


The Dwarf Council is a mechanically heavy encounter with some real kill potential. The complex mechanics and unforgiving tactics can see a raid wipe within seconds. Raid wide damage and timing each of the dwarves abilities is essential in making sure the boss is defeated. Recommended for a coordinated raid of 10-20.



Bolstering Roar – If any dwarf drops out of a 10% maximum health range to the other two dwarves they gain a stack of Bolstering Roar increasing all damage done by 250%. EG: Dwarf 1 is at 60%, Dwarf 2 is at 60%, Dwarf 3 is at 49% or 71% = Gains a stack. (Lasts until defeated)

Iro Longbeard

Thunder Hammer – Auto attacks deal chain lightning damage to 2 other raid members within 20 yards dealing 40% and 20% of initial damage. If 2 other raid members aren’t present i.e the tank is tanking him alone then the tank receives 300% auto attack damage. (Every third auto attack, lasts until defeated)

Defeaning Roar – Fears all raid members within 30 yards for 3 seconds. (Active every 20 seconds, lasts until defeated)

Nia Thistleboar

Invoke Fire – Nia debuffs a random raid member dealing 120% of their maximum health in fire damage over 12 seconds. (Active every 30 seconds, lasts until defeated)

Summon Phoenix – Nia summons a phoenix which pulses after 10 seconds dealing fire damage to all raid members within 50 yards. (Active every 45 seconds, lasts until defeated)

Therium Langbow

Focus Fire – Therium cannot be tanked, instead he channels a beam dealing a moderate amount of damage to a random raid member every 3 seconds. (Lasts until defeated)

Tranquil Surge – Heals the target for 10% of their maximum hit points. Can be interrupted. (Active every 8 seconds, lasts until defeated)

Healing Ward – Summons a healing ward which after 8 seconds begins to heal the nearest dwarf 2% of their maximum health per second. (Active every 30 seconds, lasts until defeated)



Splitting your DPS equally between each dwarf will make sure that you do not hit the soft enrage which is the passive ability.

Focus targetting the Healing Ward will ensure, again, that the passive enrage is not procced. Also, focusing the Phoenix will sufficiently reduce all raid wide damage caused by the encounter.

Have DPS with interrupts stand with Therium to ensure they can keep Tranquil Surge from happening.


Nia and Iro are the only two dwarves which need tanking. As the room is relatively small there are no ‘tips and tricks’ to avoiding damage / mechanics by tank positioning. Therefore, simply put, hold aggro on these two dwarves throughout the encounter.


Ensure that you keep each dwarf within 10% health of each other or the damage will become uncontrollable and your raid will wipe. Splitting up and keeping focus targets can help this happen.

If you have interrupts it’s likely you will be assigned to sticking on Therium. Make sure you do not let him finish his Tranquil Surge cast throughout the encounter.

Bursting the Healing Ward and the Phoenix before they become active will make the encounter a lot easier.


Focus healing on players affected by Invoke Fire, healing them for over 20% of their maximum health will make sure they do not die however RNG may take effect and Focus Fire / Thunder Hammer may impact the raid member too. Overheal them until they’re at a safe %.

The fear can be dispelled. If you have any form of CC break you can use it then AoE dispell the rest of your raid to ensure maximum DPS is achieved.

Good luck,


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